Ballad of Pantabangan Cross

How sweet is to live following the footprints,
A step of rise and fall of the One beaten in the street,
From His bloody body dripped the blood and sweat,
Moist the soil of His pains, insurmountable torments.

The way of the cross is not hard to fathom,
When we empty ourselves of the desires of the world,
When we have lived and witnessed the mysteries of our town,
Then we can feel the brunts her mystery of sorrows.

Without angsts and complain you carry your cross still,
In the arid crises your children feel, you bravely carry upon your shoulders,
Patiently you walk on the roads of thorns and foments,
While your heart deeply bleeds, your mind and soul lament.

My beloved Pantabangan rise and carry your cross still,
At the end of the road a new life will spring,
You thirst now for the love and care of your children,
Many of them had betrayed you like Jude Iscariot in exchange for shining silver.

Along the ways of death to the place of the skull,
My beloved town faintly totters in the midst of its prey,
She seemed as kneeling before them,
Pleading relentlessly stop the abuses causing pains.

Yes my town yearns for a good heart,
Not those fake mourners who in her betrayal they took a part,
Not those who just snare behind, like vampires they suck all her blood,
Beloved townmates with a heart, have love and mercy for our town!

Before her nearing collapse and death,
I plea on you to ponder and think,
Like Jesus who've made known the gate of heaven and hell,
It's for us to see the ballads of the cross of our town mired in tears!

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